My Life
Live taping of The Secret Life of Canada
Some photos from the final show from Toronto’s 2018 hotdocs Podcast Festival.
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Jokes are Real – Fire in the Hole Podcast – Episode 14
My friends Jason Ambrus and Richard Lajoie started Fire in the Hole podcast just a little over 3 months ago.
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Snowshoe Adventure Vlog
Over the last 3 years my career has been all about online video, mostly working on YouTube, focussing on the technical side building, maintaining and managing YouTube channels as well as advising creators on creating content.
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The Most Visited Wikipedia Pages in 2012
Here’s a compilation of the Wikipedia pages that gathered the most views 2012 by language.
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The story of how Comodo in NYC got started
I absolutely love the story behind Comodo in NYC.
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What would you do if money was no object?
Great video featuring an amazing lecture from British philosopher Alan Watts.
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June In New York
Arrived on Sunday and I’m spending the week in New York City staying with friends which is a Godsend to my wallet! I’m also making an effort to keep an updated on the pictures so if you’re interested here’s the link to this trip’s collection on Flickr.
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The Sevens by Alain Caron and Joe Pacheco
I was originally going to just to write a couple of sentences about my cousin’s latest/greatest album collaboration with Alain Caron of which was just released today.
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Abbey Road Crossing Live WebCam
Earlier this year the famous Abbey Road crossing (if you don’t know why its famous read up here and I hate you!) in England got its very own 24hour webcam.
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