social media
Nobody posts on social anymore
“Social media promised to create an intricate web that brought us all closer to one another, but the wave of exposure led to an openness that many people just aren’t interested in.
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Are you taking a break from Facebook?
The NYT just ran this story based on the PEW study titled “Coming and Going on Facebook” Some of the key findings are quite interesting.
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Casey Neistat’s Guide to keeping Instagram great
Instagram is great but a platform is only as good as its users.
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Using Pinterest as your digital résumé
Yep, you can use Pinterest as your digital résumé! That’s what Jeanne Hwang did, she loooves Pinterest, like really a lot! Enough that she really wants to work there.
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Visualize How Foursquare Helps Local Business Discovery
To this day I’m surprised at how local and when I say local I really mean Canada have yet to grasp the utility of Foursquare for their brick and mortar businesses.
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Social Media Guide: Where to Post your Status
Trying to figure out where you should update your status? Here’s a simple guide to help you.
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Using Gowalla to Win Her Heart.
I’ll admit, I’m a little addicted to location-based social networks.
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A Brief Intro To Google+
*This article was originally posted on the corporate blog of Touché! PHD.
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